Joining Hashnode as a DevRel. Thank you 100 subscribers & 200 followers.

Joining Hashnode as a DevRel. Thank you 100 subscribers & 200 followers.
Joining Hashnode email!

So the past week I have been teasing the announcement I made about joining Hashnode!

I started using Hashnode somehwere last year, and applied almost a week ago. That's how fast the interview process went, which was a super smooth and fun experience.

I am now a DevRel an will be responsible for community management and content creation. Besides this, I will be hosting meetups, live streams, hackathons, etc.

I started yesterday and the onboarding has been great!

Thank you for 100 newsletter subscribers!

In other news, since launching this newsletter last weekend, we have hit over 100 subscribers. Closing in to 200!

I want to thank each and everyone of you. This newsletter will keep being email only focussed.

Started the newsletter last a week ago.

I will however, post free previews on my blog, hopefully convert some readers to subscribers. That way, we can grow this community and help many developers to land remote jobs and working as developers (at the beach)

The twitter account also has almost 200 followers, so I need to DM some and let them know there is a newsletter too hehe.

Alright, with that out of the way, let's talk how to get a (remote) job using the power of social media and "building in public".

This post is for subscribers only

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